Course Syllabus
Class Information and Assignments on Canvas
Welcome to Zoology! This year you will embark on an EXCITING investigation into the Animal Kingdom. I am confident that you will enjoy this experience!
Course: Zoology will introduce you to the amazing variety of animal life on our planet. We will examine animal diversity, the organization of animals, and how they have adapted to inhabit a wide variety of ecological niches. This provides an overview of the basic principles of zoology with a focus on EVOLUTIONARY and ECOLOGICAL principles.
Teaching Methodology: We have lots of material to cover- there are over 1 million species of animals! Class time will consist of lecture, discussion, in-class activities, projects, labs and dissections. You are required to participate in ALL dissections.
Textbook: Integrated Principles of Zoology, Hickman (Classroom Resource ONLY)
This is a college level textbook with college level concepts. Textbooks are available to check out if needed.
Daily Required Materials:
- 3-ring binder with notebook paper
- Pencil and Pen
Grading System: Your grade will be calculated by a total points system.
Late Work: Classwork and homework is MANDATORY. Late assignments will be graded with a 10% deduction for each class after the due date.
Make-Up Work: YOU are responsible for getting any work missed during your absence. I highly recommend that you check the posted weekly schedule (in classroom and on Canvas) or ask me. If makeup work is not completed in a timely fashion it will be considered late and graded accordingly.
Behavior Expectations:
- Be prepared. Failure to do so is disruptive.
- Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
- At proper times (especially when I am talking!) be quiet, be listening, and be working.
- Use restroom and get a drink between classes.
- No phones during lectures/discussions. If it is out at inappropriate times, I will take it!
- Have respect for fellow classmates, teacher, school property and animal specimen AT ALL TIMES. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
Consequences for Violations of Above Expectations:
- 1st Offense: Verbal warning, possible seat change
2nd Offense: Referral to Administration
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |